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MD2012 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova

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Our latest publications

16.12.2024 | State of the Country Report, Publication

The State of the Country Report 2024 provides an in-depth analysis of Moldova’s socio-economic landscape within the current national and regional…


30.11.2024 | European Integration, Foreign Policy Newsletter, Publication

The November issue of the FES/APE Foreign Policy Newsletter is dedicated to post-electoral strategies aimed at ensuring the continuity of Moldova's…


31.10.2024 | European Integration, Foreign Policy Newsletter, Publication

This current issue of the FES/APE foreign policy newsletter is dedicated to the first round of the presidential elections and the constitutional…


01.10.2024 | Foreign Policy Newsletter, Publication

The topic of September edition of the FES/APE foreign policy bulletin aims at the risks and challenges of the European integration referendum from 20…

Moldauisch-deutsche Zusammenarbeit

Moldauisch-deutsche Zusammenarbeit

Beispiele und Empfehlungen = Cooperarea moldo-germană: exemple şi recomandări
Kyiv, 2005

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GUUAM - porjadok i kooperacija v postsovetskom prostranstve

GUUAM - porjadok i kooperacija v postsovetskom prostranstve

materialy meždunarodnoj konferencii, 16 - 17 oktjabrja 2001, Tbilisi, Gruzija
Bonn, 2003

Download publication (7310 KB, PDF-File)

Relaţiile interetnice

Relaţiile interetnice

aspecte actuale
Bonn, 2003

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Mežėtničeskie otnošenija v postkommunističeskich gosudarstvach

Mežėtničeskie otnošenija v postkommunističeskich gosudarstvach

Bonn, 2003

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Respublika Moldova v evropejskom kontekste i v aspekte politiki bezopasnosti

Respublika Moldova v evropejskom kontekste i v aspekte politiki bezopasnosti

(materialy konferencii v g. Gamburge, 18 - 19 ijunja 2001 goda) = Republik Moldau im europäischen und sicherheitspolitischen Kontext
Bonn, 2003

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GUUAM jak mižnarodna organizacija

GUUAM jak mižnarodna organizacija

proekt čy real'nist'? ; Materialy kruhloho stolu (Kyïv, 27 ljutoho 2001 r.)
Bonn, 2003

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